Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:1-3
At Revival Tabernacle Church we believe that worship is in important
part of our services. Understanding that worship has to do with the
way that we live our lives and not just singing songs, we still believe
that singing is an important way to express our worship to God. Our
desire as a worship team is that we would lead people into the
presence of God through leading them in singing worship and praise to
God. We know that God inhabits the praises of His people and that
there is power in Spirit filled, Spirit led worship. The members of our
team, Ken Eden, Debbie Eden, Chuck Hawthorn, Damon Laycox, Steven
Rice and Gayla Riggins put in hours of practice and prayer so that on
Sunday morning they are ready to be used as instruments of
righteousness for the glory of God.
part of our services. Understanding that worship has to do with the
way that we live our lives and not just singing songs, we still believe
that singing is an important way to express our worship to God. Our
desire as a worship team is that we would lead people into the
presence of God through leading them in singing worship and praise to
God. We know that God inhabits the praises of His people and that
there is power in Spirit filled, Spirit led worship. The members of our
team, Ken Eden, Debbie Eden, Chuck Hawthorn, Damon Laycox, Steven
Rice and Gayla Riggins put in hours of practice and prayer so that on
Sunday morning they are ready to be used as instruments of
righteousness for the glory of God.