Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At RTC we believe in giving and going when it comes to reaching the
world for Jesus. We are excited to say that the board took a step of
faith and began giving 10% of our church income to missions and God
has been faithful and has blessed that commitment. At the present
time we support missionaries in Mexico, Romania, and Thailand. We
also support home missions work. We get involved in outreach trips
within the states to reach the lost. And we promote and go on short
term mission’s trips. Our desire it to reach the world for Jesus Christ by
all means possible.
world for Jesus. We are excited to say that the board took a step of
faith and began giving 10% of our church income to missions and God
has been faithful and has blessed that commitment. At the present
time we support missionaries in Mexico, Romania, and Thailand. We
also support home missions work. We get involved in outreach trips
within the states to reach the lost. And we promote and go on short
term mission’s trips. Our desire it to reach the world for Jesus Christ by
all means possible.